Tuesday 5 May 2015

Lifestyle of Indian national people

      The people in world are divided to many ethnic . They all have their own lifestyles according to their faith of living. I would like to write on life style of Indian’s in India. They captured my mind because the varieties of their living style is unique , attractive and colorful. Their beliefs also can categorized into many types even the common things also they have their own way to do through it. Their beliefs  sometimes can be not make sense to us but then when we look it deeply what makes that as one way of their living will be so much interesting. Though India consists of diverse ethnic races and groups and each of them strictly adhere to their own set of customs and tradition, yet there is a common lifestyle pattern followed by almost all the Indians. This, despite the fact that there is so much variation in their language, dressing style and custom. This are some of the similar practices that almost all Indian’s  in world follows.
        First, I would start from a part that important for everyone to began their life, it is family. Indians most of them prefer a joint family system. A majority of the people in India prefer to live in a joint family, which could comprise anywhere between a group of two or more members to even over 20 members sometimes. As per the Indian way of living, the commanding position in a family is held by the eldest earning male member. He consults other adult members on important issues, but it is his decision that ultimately prevails. However, a lot of importance is also given to the advice of the eldest retired members of the family.  Besides that, Women as Homemaker As per the lifestyle of the Indian people, it is the duty of a woman to take care of her home. As such, from her very childhood, a girl child is taught to rustle up mouth-watering dishes by her mother and other ladies in her family. She is also taught to attend to guests and strangers politely and elegantly because it is thought to greatly reflect upon her upbringing. Hers is a 24x7 job, yet she manages to execute it smoothly and is respected for this quality.
       Worshipping, Worshipping is an important part of the daily life of Indian people. You will find the holy basil tulsi planted in maximum houses, which people water as well as worship everyday religiously. Many Indians are associated to various religious sects and attend weekly gatherings to listen to the sermons. Apart from temples,  there will also invariably be a personal place for worship, and pictures of Gods and Goddesses, in every house in India.
       Other than that, indians also taught from young to respecting elders. One common trait you will find amongst Indians is that children show utmost respect to their elders. Now this is one habit all Indian parents deliberately inculcate in their children, since beginning. It is an unsaid rule in India that a person cannot answer back to elders and more so, when he/she is at fault. It is deemed disrespectful in India to refer to an elder by his / her name. Instead people prefer calling them uncle and aunt, especially if the person is very elderly. It is also customary in India for the youngsters to touch the feet of their elders as a way of greeting as well as on important occasions.
      Besides that significant things in their daily life, there is also some tiny little things that they following makes a lot more  meaning in their life’s.  An example of that is “rangoli”  or Malaysians well known as Kolam. You will often find beautiful, colorful patterns being made with sand or wet paint on the ground and walls within or outside houses in India during festivities. This style of home decoration is called rangoli. It's an art form practiced by the Indians since ages.  The designs used in drawing rangoli generally include geometrical patterns with lines, dots, squares, circles, triangles, lotus, peacock and so on.  Rangoli is a very popular in the Indian subcontinent and is known by different names in different regions of India.
      Traditionally natural dyes like bark of trees, leaves, flower petals and turmeric powder were used to prepare Rangoli. However, these days, a number of colorful synthetic dyes have also come into the market. When a thin layer of the dye or the coloring material is used for making rangoli, then the patterns look flat. A 3-D effect can be provided to the designs by using different sized grains.  Earlier such floor and wall decorations were done only on auspicious occasions. However, today, any occasion, be it birthday, wedding or some other parties, is good enough. You will also see rangoli almost everywhere in India during Deepavali festival. The art form holds great religious significance. It also enhances the beauty of the surroundings and spreads joy and happiness all around. In Indian culture, our guests occupy a very special place and rangoli serves as an expression of this warm hospitality.
Lastly, another living style of Indians that commonly see and even other religion notice is Bindi. Bindi can usually be described as a traditional red circular mark or dot worn by the Indian women on their forehead. When this is accompanied by a vermillion mark on the parting of hair just above the forehead, it indicates that the particular lady is married. Even though traditionally, bindi is a red colored dot, it can be worn in other colors also, like yellow, orange , black and so on. The shape and size of the bindi can also vary. Conventionally, it's the Hindu married women who wear bindi. But, this mark can have several meanings and so, you may also see unmarried girls and even children wearing it. It's the occasion, the color of the bindi and its shape that determines what it denotes.
      The purpose of wearing a bindi can also vary. If it covers the entire forehead in three horizontal lines, then it denotes the wearer is an ascetic or belongs to a particular . Sometimes, the bindi is used for more beautification purpose by females. In this case, you may also find her wearing a small jewelry instead of the typical red dot. Though in India, a widow cannot wear a vermillion, she is free to sport a bindi. Bindi is called by different names in different languages of India. Thus, alternative names for bindi is Pottu in Tamil that most people known as in Malaysia too.
       In  this global there are  many way of living style, this are few that I have wrote about indian’s in india follows in their daily life commonly taught to other indian’s that live in different country . So many ethnic out there have their own way of living. It is not being a problem if live a life in so much of ways and regulation as long we don’t hurt others. This are a common message that every religion wants to reach to their followers.  Mostly, all this types of things not about how special it is or other else.  But how long it was applied , the ages that matters. Because the old people having a  relevant meaning behind all the things that they have  practiced since long time ago even their  days don’t have the knowledge of technology or  science that we can learn nowadays by just with a ‘click’. So we should respect others life style and have known a little about other religion or countries as a knowledge and that also can help to get our relationship  closer to another religion. As we living in Malaysia, country that rich with so many races it is important to us in order to live a beautiful and harmony life.

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